Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nas on CNN (With the offensive word)

If you watched CNN at 4:57 p.m. PST, you should have seen this moment. Rapper Nas, who is Grammy nominated for Best Rap Album for "Hip-Hop Is Dead," had his wife with him. CNN reporter and "Showbiz Tonight" anchor Brooke Anderson interviewed him not about his nomination, but about the sweater that had the "N" shown in its entire form. Nas, and wife Kelis, got political about current events and the album he is promoting. There will be controversy in this. Also, the writer's strike will be over on Wednesday. Plan to watch more of the shows I watch. And give it up to Barack Obama. He swept through the weekend sweeping Washington state, Nebraska, Louisiana, and Maine. Hilary won in California, but only 52-42% margin. Obama won Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, and the coastal Northern California counties. Furthermore, he won 13 other states on Tuesday. Obama will win the nomination and beat John McCain in November 2008.

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