Monday, January 28, 2008

The Boondocks, Season 2, Episode 11

"The S Word"

I am watching President Bush's final State of The Union Address. More BS. Also, Barack Obama is getting his mojo back in a major way. He routed both Hilary Clinton and John Edwards in the South Carolina Primary for the Democrats. Now it is on to Super Tuesday, which means that California is in play. Right now, the polls show Clinton with a 12 point lead, but I believe that this is a lot closer race. Obama does not have to win California, but he will take a significant of delegates that will be needed in the Democratic Convention in Denver come last August. That's politics. Back to the Boondocks update, which was even more politically themed. After a few weeks, the title of this episode had to do with The "N" Word. Riley schemed up this plan to cause some trouble with his elementary school teacher. All for that money. Controversy ensues and a "fake" reverend/lawyer comes to both Riley and Grandad's aide. Huey, in typical fashion, has suspicions. And once again, his suspicions come true. He collides with "the white bitch named Ann Coulter", and both the reverend and her go at it. But they both become lovers as soon they go off. Also, the controversy over the "n" word goes out-of-control. Protests were everywhere at the school. But Huey again give the wise word to the rest of the gang. Leave it alone. ("Let it go.") But another controversy ensues when a gun battle explodes at the school, and the media is all over it. Here is my analysis. The "N" Word has been a powerful word for the wrong reasons. This has been a theme since the Don Imus incident in April 2007. Hip hop and rap music has been under pressure to clean up its lyrics. People will have to be careful of what they say. The intent of this episode that negative words can cause trouble. I have to blame Riley for this because of his frequent use of the "N" word. The problem was that the teacher is trying to adapt to his level.

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