Saturday, January 05, 2008

The New Hampshire Debates

I am watching the debates--both Democrat and Republican--while watching the first day of NFL Wild Card Matchups. The Seahawks won the first game. But the Jaguars and Steelers game was a crazy game. The Steelers were down 18, came back and lead by one point. They missed two two-point conversions. David Gerrard ran down to the ten-yard line and Jacksonville won the game on a last-second field goal. Anyway, going back to the debates, I'll go to the Republicans. There was a gang-bang on Romney. Other than that, the Republicans still looked out of step. Should have talked about the economy more. All of their talking points were pointless, which will indicate that the people are going to unload on the GOP come November 4th, 2008. On the Democratic side, I thought that Obama looked better and better as the debate goes on. I think that Edwards was also strong here, which is why he placed second in the Iowa results. Clinton right now is very desperate. If she does not win in New Hampshire, then she is in even more panic some the later states, including the Super Tuesday event. To me, February 5th is the end game here for the Democratic contest to be the nominee. The Republican contest I think will be very bloody, which means that Feb. 5th will not be the end. I think that this will be settled a little bit later than usual. I still see a GOP civil war coming this year. But they will lose to the Democrat once November 2008 comes.

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